Thursday, June 21, 2007

And debate goes on...

Not a very appropriate title, I just had to use it for something. The latest newsletter is published by the organisers of Seoul 'o7.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Incorporation of WSDC as a charity

A press release says:

The World Schools Debating Championships (WSDC), the premier international speaking competition for high school students, is pleased to announce plans for incorporation as a legal body.

The competition was founded by Christopher Erskine of Australia in 1988 and was originally run by volunteers, with debaters billeted with local families. It has grown into a major worldwide organization with annual tournaments hosted by national debating associations, attended by teams from around 40 countries.

WSDC is registering as a company in the United Kingdom and applying for charitable status. The plans, drawn up by the WSDC Executive Committee, were recently approved by a vote of the World Council.

The costs of incorporation are being met by The English-Speaking Union (ESU), an international educational charity focused on using language to create international understanding, which is the Founder Sponsor of the new company. The costs include employing Eastside Consulting, a London-based consultancy specializing in financial advice for non-profits, to handle the administrative and legal steps involved.

James Probert, Head of Centre for Speech and Debate at the ESU, says: "Debating is the perfect way for articulate young people from different backgrounds to share and exchange their ideas. The World Championships are the foremost international arena for that. They not only help create global understanding but also foster life-long friendships. English-Speaking Unions in several countries have been closely associated with the tournament since its inception, and we're delighted that we're able to be involved in the next stage of its development."

The Executive is seeking interest from alumni of the competition, particularly those with relevant professional experience, to stand for election as Trustees of the charity or to be considered for appointment to its Development Board, to handle the day-to-day running of the company. Anyone interested in expressing interest at this stage should contact Trevor Sather, Vice-Chair of the WSDC Executive, at


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Blogging in Seoul

Hi everybody.

In just over 2 weeks, WSDC 2007 kicks off in Seoul. I'll be there as the lone Kiwi and I hope to be blogging here every day with the latest news, updates and so on.

I'll see if this blog site can take photos. If so, you'll be seeing some of those too.

Watch this space!

See you for now,

Yours faithfuly, the fastest 2 fingered typist house.

Kiwi Claire

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Proposals for Rule changes

Mark Gabriel writes:

The 2007 meeting of the World Schools Debating Council will be held in Seoul on the morning of 11 July (prior to the Grand Final of this year's World Schools Debating Championships that afternoon).

Each country which sends a team to this year's World Schools Debating Championships shall be entitled to send one official delegate to the meeting, plus a few additional observers (both delegates and observers will have speaking rights at the meeting, though only the official delegate for each country will have voting rights).

The World Council must be informed of any motions to amend the WSDC Rules one month in advance of the meeting. Such motions will then be discussed at the meeting and shall require a two-third majority of delegates voting in favour of them to be adopted into the WSDC Rules.

The Executive Committee is proposing six amendments to the WSDC Rules to be considered at the World Council meeting:

- Proposal E1: Incorporation of World Schools Debating Championships
- Proposal E2: Eligibility of competing nations
- Proposal E3: Code of Conduct
- Proposal E4: Team managers and team coaches
- Proposal E5: Dealing with complaints about judges
- Proposal E6: Guidelines for determining ability to judge debates

Details of these proposals can be found in the documents linked below.

Additionally we have been informed that New Zealand, Canada and Singapore intend to propose changes which are included in the documents.

Delegates from countries who have entered teams in at least two of the last three World Schools Debating Championships will be entitled to vote on motions to amend the WSDC Rules. Delegates from countries who have not entered a team in at least two of the last three championships will be entitled to vote on any other matters raised at the meeting, but not on motions to amend the Rules.


Mark Gabriel
World Schools Debating Council Executive Committee

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